
  1. 有key ability的struct被称为Sui object,其第一个成员id: UID是object的唯一标识符,链上存储与查找数据均使用UID。销毁struct并不会销毁UID(object本身)。创建object(UID)使用object::new,销毁object使用object::delete(id)

  2. wrapped:指的是一个object被存放在另一个object内部,这需要被存放的object有store ability。存放发生后,被存放object实际上会被隐藏(不再能用其UID检索到该object),只有wrapping object被销毁了才可以重新取出该object,该object的可见性就恢复了,且前后UID不会发生变化(即还是同一个object)

  3. 文档中描述了许多种object,包括shared、**Address-owned,是否shared只影响谁可以使用这个object(读/写均只有owner可以进行)。**无论权限如何,某种类型的struct只能由定义它的module创建(create/pack)、销毁(destroy/unpack)或修改。

  4. 没有key ability的类型是如何被处理的?相比于有key的有哪些限制?:不能被存储,只能在当次transaction中创建后也必须在本次transaction中被销毁

  5. 在flash loan中见到了key, store, drop均无的struct,获得它以后必须在本次transaction中调用创建它的module内的函数来销毁它,这种pattern被称为Hot Potato(烫手山芋)。

  6. 有drop ability的struct可在离开作用域后被自动销毁,不需要创建它的module显式unpack

  7. UID和ID有何区别?

        /// An object ID. This is used to reference Sui Objects.
        /// This is *not* guaranteed to be globally unique--anyone can create an `ID` from a `UID` or
        /// from an object, and ID's can be freely copied and dropped.
        /// Here, the values are not globally unique because there can be multiple values of type `ID`
        /// with the same underlying bytes. For example, `object::id(&obj)` can be called as many times
        /// as you want for a given `obj`, and each `ID` value will be identical.
        struct ID has copy, drop, store {
            bytes: address
        /// Globally unique IDs that define an object's ID in storage. Any Sui Object, that is a struct
        /// with the `key` ability, must have `id: UID` as its first field.
        /// These are globally unique in the sense that no two values of type `UID` are ever equal, in
        /// other words for any two values `id1: UID` and `id2: UID`, `id1` != `id2`.
        /// This is a privileged type that can only be derived from a `TxContext`.
        /// `UID` doesn't have the `drop` ability, so deleting a `UID` requires a call to `delete`.
        struct UID has store {
            id: ID,

    //! Objects whose struct type has key ability represent Sui objects.
    //! They have unique IDs that should never be reused. This verifier makes
    //! sure that the id field of Sui objects never get leaked.
    //! Unpack is the only bytecode that could extract the id field out of
    //! a Sui object. From there, we track the flow of the value and make
    //! sure it can never get leaked outside of the function. There are four
    //! ways it can happen:
    //! 1. Returned
    //! 2. Written into a mutable reference
    //! 3. Added to a vector
    //! 4. Passed to a function cal::;

  8. transfer:只有定义该object的module可以调用sui::transfer::transfer;有store ability的object方可被其他module调用sui::transfer::public_transfer