题目为 2022研究生赛初赛adv_lua

分析了一下Lua 5.4的bytecode,注意不是5.3,也不是5.5(截至目前还未推出),opcode在版本间不保持稳定

Lua 5.3参考:Lua 5.3 Bytecode Reference — Ravi Programming Language 0.1 documentation (the-ravi-programming-language.readthedocs.io)备用

bytecode格式可以看源码:Lua 5.4.4 source code - lopcodes.h


  We assume that instructions are unsigned 32-bit integers.
  All instructions have an opcode in the first 7 bits.
  Instructions can have the following formats:

        3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
        1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
iABC          C(8)     |      B(8)     |k|     A(8)      |   Op(7)     |
iABx                Bx(17)               |     A(8)      |   Op(7)     |
iAsBx              sBx (signed)(17)      |     A(8)      |   Op(7)     |
iAx                           Ax(25)                     |   Op(7)     |
isJ                           sJ(25)                     |   Op(7)     |

  A signed argument is represented in excess K: the represented value is
  the written unsigned value minus K, where K is half the maximum for the
  corresponding unsigned argument.

标着sX的(例如sC, sB等),实际值等于字面量减(1 << (位数 - 1)),也就是减最大值的一半。


00: OP_MOVE,/*      A B     R[A] := R[B]                                    */
01: OP_LOADI,/*     A sBx   R[A] := sBx                                     */
02: OP_LOADF,/*     A sBx   R[A] := (lua_Number)sBx                         */
03: OP_LOADK,/*     A Bx    R[A] := K[Bx]                                   */
04: OP_LOADKX,/*    A       R[A] := K[extra arg]                            */
05: OP_LOADFALSE,/* A       R[A] := false                                   */
06: OP_LFALSESKIP,/*A       R[A] := false; pc++     (*)                     */
07: OP_LOADTRUE,/*  A       R[A] := true                                    */
08: OP_LOADNIL,/*   A B     R[A], R[A+1], ..., R[A+B] := nil                */
09: OP_GETUPVAL,/*  A B     R[A] := UpValue[B]                              */
0A: OP_SETUPVAL,/*  A B     UpValue[B] := R[A]                              */

0B: OP_GETTABUP,/*  A B C   R[A] := UpValue[B][K[C]:string]                 */
0C: OP_GETTABLE,/*  A B C   R[A] := R[B][R[C]]                              */
0D: OP_GETI,/*      A B C   R[A] := R[B][C]                                 */
0E: OP_GETFIELD,/*  A B C   R[A] := R[B][K[C]:string]                       */

0F: OP_SETTABUP,/*  A B C   UpValue[A][K[B]:string] := RK(C)                */
10: OP_SETTABLE,/*  A B C   R[A][R[B]] := RK(C)                             */
11: OP_SETI,/*      A B C   R[A][B] := RK(C)                                */
12: OP_SETFIELD,/*  A B C   R[A][K[B]:string] := RK(C)                      */

13: OP_NEWTABLE,/*  A B C k R[A] := {}                                      */

14: OP_SELF,/*      A B C   R[A+1] := R[B]; R[A] := R[B][RK(C):string]      */

15: OP_ADDI,/*      A B sC  R[A] := R[B] + sC                               */

16: OP_ADDK,/*      A B C   R[A] := R[B] + K[C]:number                      */
17: OP_SUBK,/*      A B C   R[A] := R[B] - K[C]:number                      */
18: OP_MULK,/*      A B C   R[A] := R[B] * K[C]:number                      */
19: OP_MODK,/*      A B C   R[A] := R[B] % K[C]:number                      */
1A: OP_POWK,/*      A B C   R[A] := R[B] ^ K[C]:number                      */
1B: OP_DIVK,/*      A B C   R[A] := R[B] / K[C]:number                      */
1C: OP_IDIVK,/*     A B C   R[A] := R[B] // K[C]:number                     */

1D: OP_BANDK,/*     A B C   R[A] := R[B] & K[C]:integer                     */
1E: OP_BORK,/*      A B C   R[A] := R[B] | K[C]:integer                     */
1F: OP_BXORK,/*     A B C   R[A] := R[B] ~ K[C]:integer                     */

20: OP_SHRI,/*      A B sC  R[A] := R[B] >> sC                              */
21: OP_SHLI,/*      A B sC  R[A] := sC << R[B]                              */

22: OP_ADD,/*       A B C   R[A] := R[B] + R[C]                             */
23: OP_SUB,/*       A B C   R[A] := R[B] - R[C]                             */
24: OP_MUL,/*       A B C   R[A] := R[B] * R[C]                             */
25: OP_MOD,/*       A B C   R[A] := R[B] % R[C]                             */
26: OP_POW,/*       A B C   R[A] := R[B] ^ R[C]                             */
27: OP_DIV,/*       A B C   R[A] := R[B] / R[C]                             */
28: OP_IDIV,/*      A B C   R[A] := R[B] // R[C]                            */

29: OP_BAND,/*      A B C   R[A] := R[B] & R[C]                             */
2A: OP_BOR,/*       A B C   R[A] := R[B] | R[C]                             */
2B: OP_BXOR,/*      A B C   R[A] := R[B] ~ R[C]                             */
2C: OP_SHL,/*       A B C   R[A] := R[B] << R[C]                            */
2D: OP_SHR,/*       A B C   R[A] := R[B] >> R[C]                            */

2E: OP_MMBIN,/*     A B C   call C metamethod over R[A] and R[B]    (*)     */
2F: OP_MMBINI,/*    A sB C k        call C metamethod over R[A] and sB      */
30: OP_MMBINK,/*    A B C k         call C metamethod over R[A] and K[B]    */

31: OP_UNM,/*       A B     R[A] := -R[B]                                   */
32: OP_BNOT,/*      A B     R[A] := ~R[B]                                   */
33: OP_NOT,/*       A B     R[A] := not R[B]                                */
34: OP_LEN,/*       A B     R[A] := #R[B] (length operator)                 */

35: OP_CONCAT,/*    A B     R[A] := R[A].. ... ..R[A + B - 1]               */

36: OP_CLOSE,/*     A       close all upvalues >= R[A]                      */
37: OP_TBC,/*       A       mark variable A "to be closed"                  */
38: OP_JMP,/*       sJ      pc += sJ                                        */
39: OP_EQ,/*        A B k   if ((R[A] == R[B]) ~= k) then pc++              */
3A: OP_LT,/*        A B k   if ((R[A] <  R[B]) ~= k) then pc++              */
3B: OP_LE,/*        A B k   if ((R[A] <= R[B]) ~= k) then pc++              */

3C: OP_EQK,/*       A B k   if ((R[A] == K[B]) ~= k) then pc++              */
3D: OP_EQI,/*       A sB k  if ((R[A] == sB) ~= k) then pc++                */
3E: OP_LTI,/*       A sB k  if ((R[A] < sB) ~= k) then pc++                 */
3F: OP_LEI,/*       A sB k  if ((R[A] <= sB) ~= k) then pc++                */
40: OP_GTI,/*       A sB k  if ((R[A] > sB) ~= k) then pc++                 */
41: OP_GEI,/*       A sB k  if ((R[A] >= sB) ~= k) then pc++                */

42: OP_TEST,/*      A k     if (not R[A] == k) then pc++                    */
43: OP_TESTSET,/*   A B k   if (not R[B] == k) then pc++ else R[A] := R[B] (*) */

44: OP_CALL,/*      A B C   R[A], ... ,R[A+C-2] := R[A](R[A+1], ... ,R[A+B-1]) */
45: OP_TAILCALL,/*  A B C k return R[A](R[A+1], ... ,R[A+B-1])              */

46: OP_RETURN,/*    A B C k return R[A], ... ,R[A+B-2]      (see note)      */
47: OP_RETURN0,/*           return                                          */
48: OP_RETURN1,/*   A       return R[A]                                     */

49: OP_FORLOOP,/*   A Bx    update counters; if loop continues then pc-=Bx; */
4A: OP_FORPREP,/*   A Bx    <check values and prepare counters>;
                        if not to run then pc+=Bx+1;                    */

4B: OP_TFORPREP,/*  A Bx    create upvalue for R[A + 3]; pc+=Bx             */
4C: OP_TFORCALL,/*  A C     R[A+4], ... ,R[A+3+C] := R[A](R[A+1], R[A+2]);  */
4D: OP_TFORLOOP,/*  A Bx    if R[A+2] ~= nil then { R[A]=R[A+2]; pc -= Bx } */

4E: OP_SETLIST,/*   A B C k R[A][C+i] := R[A+i], 1 <= i <= B                */

4F: OP_CLOSURE,/*   A Bx    R[A] := closure(KPROTO[Bx])                     */

50: OP_VARARG,/*    A C     R[A], R[A+1], ..., R[A+C-2] = vararg            */

51: OP_VARARGPREP,/*A       (adjust vararg parameters)                      */

52: OP_EXTRAARG/*   Ax      extra (larger) argument for previous opcode     */

主执行循环在 luaV_execute,CALL指令的具体执行在 luaD_precall

和各种c写的解释器类似(之前见过的有2022 suctf mujs),这里的CALL也分成几种(使用同一个opcode),light C和C closure都是直接调用原生C函数,内部使用函数指针直接执行,攻击解释器时可以通过修改编译出的bytecode触发该函数来getshell。




下面来分析一下lua bytecode是如何在有PIE的情况下获取原生C函数地址的。

OP_GETTABUP: 0001011: 0xb
A: 0
B: 0
C: 0x19

A: 0
B: 0
C: 0x17


OP_DIVK: 0x1b
A: 1
B: 0
C: 0x19

OP_LOADI: 0x01
A: 2
sBx: 0x10002

OP_DIVK: 0x1b
A: 3
B: 0
C: 9

OP_SHRI: 0100000
A: 3
B: 3
C: 0x17

A: 3
k: 0
sB: 0x17
C: 0x11

OP_BANDK: 0x1d
A: 3
B: 3
C: 0x18

A: 3
k: 0
B: 0x18
C: 0xD

CALL: 0x44
A: 0
B: 4 # 3 arg
C: 1 # 0 ret value